Comprehensive Treatment of Prostatitis: Traditional Methods and Means of Folk Medicine

Prostatitis is one of the most common diseases in men. They need comprehensive treatment for prostatitis because inaction can lead to serious complications. Treatments aimed at stopping the disease include several effective ways to perform different functions. To achieve recovery, a complete medical treatment is required, combining herbal remedies, physiotherapy and diet.

What does comprehensive treatment of prostatitis include?

medicine for prostatitis

If the elimination of the disease is not started in time, the health consequences can be very serious.

Only complex treatments help to cope with prostatitis. It cannot be omitted both in the acute and chronic course of the pathological process.

The course of treatment for prostatitis must include taking medication. They are the mainstay of therapy because they help dampen the negative effects of factors that cause inflammation. In addition, drugs can suppress the severity of disease symptoms.

Comprehensive treatment of prostatitis has many important functions. It allows you to eliminate pathological causes, block pathogens in the genitourinary system, strengthen the immune system, resolve nutrient deficiencies that regulate the function of internal organs.

medical treatement

Comprehensive treatment of acute or chronic prostatitis will be ineffective if the patient refuses to take the drug. With such a diagnosis, systemic and topical medications should be used.

Antibacterial treatment

In the process of choosing a drug for a patient with bacterial prostatitis, antibiotics must be included in the treatment. With this drug, they not only fight infections, but also prevent secondary infections of the genitourinary system.

Antibiotics are required in patients diagnosed with acute prostatitis.

When choosing a drug, the type of pathogen that causes the inflammatory process of the prostate is taken into account. The pathogen must have increased susceptibility to antibiotics or this treatment will not lead to a positive result.

A course of antibiotics is prescribed for men with prostatitis, in which the disease is accompanied by an increase in overall body temperature and pain at the focal point of the inflammation.

The most popular are drugs with tissue barrier properties. Thanks to this, they manage to be directly the focus of the inflammatory process. Follow this regimen for no more than 2 weeks. If the patient does not feel relief during this time, the test is repeated and another medication is given.

Anti-inflammatory treatment

As part of complex treatment, it should be an anti-inflammatory drug. It helps to eliminate the main symptoms of prostate inflammation. Typically, anti-inflammatory treatments are based on topical therapy.

Suppositories can improve the function of affected organs, reduce inflammation, and reduce pain. They can also perform protective functions.

Immunity boost

Inflammation weakens the immune system. Therefore, when formulating a treatment plan, physicians must include the intake of medications that address this issue. They strengthen the body's defenses so it has a chance to fight pathogens independently.

For prostatitis, preparations containing echinacea and zinc are recommended. These funds strengthen the immune system and positively affect the functioning of the male body.

Even after recovery, doctors may recommend that men take multivitamins to restore normal function of the immune system and internal organs, which may have been compromised by the disease.

Complementary therapy

The drug curriculum is not only based on immunomodulatory, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs. To achieve full recovery, the patient also needs to take:

  • painkiller;
  • antidepressants (in some cases);
  • Diuretics and laxatives.

Patients are prohibited from taking medicines that have not been approved by their doctor.

operation treatment

Prostatitis surgery

This surgery is only used as a last resort when other methods have proven ineffective.

Prostatitis is not always treated with medication. In some cases, patients are advised to undergo surgical intervention.

Radical treatment is only given when tablets and topical preparations do not achieve the desired effect and the patient's condition continues to deteriorate significantly.

Men with prostatitis need surgery if:

  1. The development of benign prostatic hyperplasia.
  2. Appearance of abscesses.
  3. The urethra is severely narrowed.

Due to these conditions, the patient's condition became critical and he needed emergency surgery.

Physical Therapy Program

Physiotherapy procedures are useful for men in the chronic course of prostatitis. They perform many important functions. This treatment option can improve lymphatic and blood flow, increase membrane permeability and the effectiveness of drug regimens.


In addition to exacerbations, prostate inflammation can also be treated with massage. This procedure ensures proper exit secrets from problem areas and improves blood circulation to the pelvic organs. As a result, metabolic processes are accelerated and harmful substances are removed from the affected organs more quickly.

Prostate massage is strictly prohibited during the acute course of the disease. It is also contraindicated in men with rectal disorders.

Massage is done in the hospital or at home. In the latter case, it is recommended to do it with the help of a massager.

electrical stimulation

Electrical stimulation for prostatitis

Electrical pulses have a positive effect in prostate treatment.

This process is called electrophoresis. It is one of the most effective ways to treat chronic prostatitis.

The healing process is performed only presently or with medications that enhance its effects.

During the electrification process, the active substance of the drug has the opportunity to penetrate directly into the lesion. The procedure does not cause serious side effects.

Laser Treatment

One of the modern prostate treatments is laser therapy. In its implementation, low-intensity infrared radiation is used, which has a beneficial effect on the skin condition in the perineal area.

Laser therapy can help speed up the recovery of the affected tissue. In addition, it stimulates metabolic processes and strengthens the body's defenses.

Phytotherapy and Traditional Medicine Recipes

Many urologists allow men diagnosed with prostatitis to treat it with folk remedies. This is acceptable if the patient does not forget to take their medication in time and attend physical therapy.

Traditional medicine recommends treating prostatitis with herbs that have anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and firming properties. They are effective against both acute and chronic inflammation of the prostate.


Nettles are used in the preparation of medicinal infusions and decoctions. The plant is characterized by antibacterial, tonic and anti-inflammatory properties. It is useful for men as it increases libido.

Nettles should be consumed in moderation. Otherwise, it leads to a strong thickening of the blood, which is fraught with the formation of blood clots and the development of strokes.

Nettles can be prepared in a number of ways:

  • Nettle Leaf Tea. The washed ingredients must be put into a clean container and boiled water is poured over it. After 10 minutes of infusion, you can drink it. It is recommended to take it for 10 days, 1-2 times a day;
  • soup. Pour 50 grams of vegetable raw materials into 500 ml of unboiled water. This mixture needs to be infused afterwards until it cools completely. It was then sent to prepare a water bath. After completing this phase, the patient is given 50 ml of the folk medicine twice a day for a week;
  • infusion. You need to take about 50 grams of plants and 100 ml of alcohol. The resulting mixture must be stored in a dark, cool place for at least 3 weeks. After that, you need to take 30 drops per day.

The treatment of nettle should be as long as the entire process of folk remedies based on it.


Plantain for Prostatitis

It grows everywhere, so collecting and preparing it is not difficult.

Psyllium cotyledons and seeds have significant analgesic, tonic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Therefore, the plant provides an indispensable help in the fight against prostatitis.

It is customary to prepare an infusion with plantain. For this, you will need dried or fresh leaves and seeds. In total, about 20 grams of natural ingredients are needed, which are then poured into 200 ml of boiling water. Within an hour, the infusion should age. After that, they drink 25ml in warm or cool form 3 times a day.

The course of treatment is up to 2 weeks.


Medicinal plants have beneficial effects on all systems of the human body. This is one of its main advantages. Ginseng root is especially useful for urinary organs and immunity.

It is customary to use ginseng in the form of homemade tinctures due to prostate inflammation. They are made with 70% alcohol and the purified root of the plant. When mixing, a 1: 10 ratio should be observed.

If a person cannot drink alcoholic beverages, he can use water when preparing the tincture.

It is recommended to mix the main ingredients in a glass bottle. This remedy should be injected for one month. After that, you can take 15 drops 3 times a day before meals.


Burdock has a powerful diuretic effect. It also has immune stimulating and anti-inflammatory properties. Therefore, the plant is often used to relieve severe poisoning of the body and destruction of the urinary organs.

Get healing soup from burdock root. The main ingredients need to be cleaned and then poured into drinking water. The product should be kept in the water bath for 15-20 minutes after boiling.

Decoct half a cup, 1-2 times a day, for 2-3 weeks.

wise man

Sage for Prostatitis

Medicinal plants work well to help with male diseases.

Sage is known for its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. It is recommended for men with prostatitis in the form of a decoction. They are suitable for oral or enema administration.

To prepare the soup, 200ml of water is poured into 5g of sage. Folk remedies should be cooked over low heat for 3-5 minutes. 2 times a day, 75ml each time.

exercise therapy

As complementary therapy, a set of exercises is used. Such treatment must be approved by the attending physician. Exercise therapy is specifically used to treat non-aggravated prostatitis.

Simple exercises for men that can address stagnation in the pelvic area. Also, they are able to improve the whole body.

Under the premise of correct implementation of exercise therapy, patients can achieve the following effects:

  • Improve blood flow in the groin area;
  • improve overall well-being;
  • Eliminate pelvic congestion.

Physical activity should be moderate and regular. Only then can they benefit men.


Sausage as fasting for prostatitis

In the treatment of prostatitis, dietary nutrition is very important. First, familiarize the patient with the list of prohibited and permitted products. Based on them, a complete menu has been compiled for men with prostate inflammation.

Approved Products Contraband
  1. vegetable-based soups;
  2. Cook porridge with milk or water;
  3. Berries and dried fruits;
  4. dairy and yogurt products;
  5. fresh vegetables;
  6. fresh fruits;
  7. limited quantities of honey;
  8. lean chicken and fish;
  9. grain bread and bran;
  10. seafood;
  11. seeds and nuts;
  12. garlic and onion;
  13. greenery.
  1. Alcoholic and low-alcohol beverages;
  2. condiments and hot spices;
  3. soups and soups;
  4. Carbonated drinks;
  5. beans;
  6. fried and heavily salted products;
  7. pork and lamb fat;
  8. fatty fish and meat products;
  9. mushroom;
  10. bacon and sausage;
  11. sweets and pastries;
  12. offal.

Dietary nutrition can help reduce the severity of the inflammatory process and reduce pain. The use of certain products can normalize the work of internal systems and organs affected by prostatitis.

Permitted product, if cooking is required, it is best to boil. Cooking in the oven and steam is allowed.

lifestyle changes

It makes no sense to expect a full recovery if a man decides to just take medicine and not try to change his usual lifestyle. But the success of the treatment and the stability of the results achieved depend on him.

First, people at risk should pay attention to their physical activity. He should play sports, jog or walk regularly. These measures help prevent the process of congestion in the pelvis.

In addition to physical activity, proper nutrition is also required. In your diet, you should include more fresh fruits and vegetables rich in valuable substances.

You need to forget bad habits because they disrupt the work of all internal systems and organs.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is the key to staying healthy and happy.